
General rules
The project Beyond the School is suitable for the second levels of primary schools and for secondary schools. If you are interested in carrying out the project, we offer you project consultancy. The extension of the consultancy will depend on the size of the product package Beyond the School you order for your school. In the case, you order all of the parts of the product package, we will prepare the project proposal for you so that you can receive the financial support. On the other hand, the school is obliged to take care of copyright for the historical materials and it will be able to assign this copyright to the third party. This means to the company Centre for Modern Education (CZ) limited. If you are interested in joining us, contact us please trough the e-mail .

Projekty SIPVZ
Projekt můžete realizovat prostřednictvím projektů SIPVZ (státní informační politika ve vzdělávání), které vypisuje Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy každý rok. Uzávěrka projektů je většinou koncem března. MŠMT financuje 70 % rozpočtu projektu, škola sama či její zřizovatel si musí zajistit zbývajících 30 %. Projekty jsou buď jednoleté (v praxi pouze čtyřměsíční), nebo dvouleté. Pro projekt Krajina za školou doporučujeme využít projektů dvouletých. Škola realizuje výzkum sama. K projektu si musí přizvat partnerskou školu, která ověřuje metodiku a výsledky aktivit. Projekty SIPVZ jsou financované dopředu. Projekt podává sama škola, prochází jejím účetnictvím a sama si projekt řídí a mění.

SIPVZ projects
You can realize the project via SIPVZ projects (National Information Policy In Education), that are announced annualy by the Ministry of Education. The deadline for the application is usually at the end of March. 70% of the project budget isfunded by MŠMT (Ministry of Education), the rest must besupplied by the school or its founder.There are either 1-year projects (in practicethey last 4moths) or 2-year projects. In the case of Beyond the School we recommend to use the 2-year projects. The research is done by the school itself, but a partner school must be invited to prove the procedure and check the results of the activities. The SIPVZ projects are funded in advance. The project is given in by the school itself, it is involved in the school accounting and the school itself takes control over it and has a right to change it.

The cooperation with other schools abroad in the project Beyond the School is possible thanks to the fund Interreg III. If you are a school which is focused on the teaching of foreign languages or if you are a school which is situated near the border and you are interested in cooperation with a school which is situated on the other side of the border, the best possibility to carry out your plans is just the fund Interreg. This fund will provide a support of 75% of all the budget. You can see how important it is to secure the financial support at the beginning of all the activities. The maximal level of the budget for the project may be 10,000 Euro. The project is handed in by the school itself. The project is in its accounting and the school leads and changes the school by itself as well.

If your school cannot realize the project due to the required financial participation and if your school is willing to lose the leading role in the project, it is possible to be included in the bigger projects handed in the scope of European Social Fund (ESF). In this case, the project leader is a non-profit organization and the school belongs to the target group. Anyway, the school can be paid for the bills for the costs connected with the project activities – travel expenses, accommodation, purchase of the equipment the school need for the realization of the project, rewards for the teachers.

Účelové dotace
Možností poslední a zároveň nejjednodušší je proplacení projektu z účelových dotací MŠMT. Součástí dodávky je pouze webový nástroj Krajina za školou a metodika. Projekt tak můžete realizovat pouze s internetovým vzdělávacím výstupem, zato ale s desetinou nákladů. Tímto způsobem bude možné eLearningové projektové vyučování zakoupit již na podzim 2006.

Purpose grants
The last and easiest way is financing

Interest associations
Of course, the project Beyond the School can be carried out by children from the clubs which are focused on the activities in their leisure time. Ecological associations, youth organizations, museums or various local groups are just a good example. If you are a person who is active in such an organization and you would like to realize this project with your children, you can count on that the conditions and prices which are valid for schools will be similarly valid for you.